How Businesses Can Use the Child Care Tax Credit
An engaged community group created a tax credit toolkit for Kansas employers.
A journey through Kansas communities to explore the local child care landscape. Join us as we visit Barton, Cloud, Crawford, Ford, Jewell, Labette, Neosho, and Seward Counties, hearing firsthand from those who know the challenges and opportunities best—child care providers, families, and community champions.
Family friendly workplaces support a parent’s ability to provide a safe, stable, nurturing environment for their children. Child care is a top priority for employers.
This campaign supports Kansas workplaces in creating conditions that not only strengthen families, but increase recruitment, retention, and productivity in the workplace.
Find recommendations from our partners on how to become a Family Friendly Workplace.
Kansas Association of Community Foundations
An organization that provides resources such as online training opportunities and professional advisors to help communities meet their goals in expanding child care. kansascfs.org
Kansas United Ways
An organization that helps bring communities together to accomplish their goals. There are many United Ways branches located across Kansas. If your community is looking to expand child care, Kansas United Way would be an excellent partner to collaborate with to receive additional resources and support. unitedway.org/local/united-states/kansas#
Child Care Aware of Kansas
An organization that provides opportunities, connections, and support for parents, providers, and communities alike. We offer services through our child care referral system, professional development, child care health consultants, community outreach and engagement, and more! Go to our website to learn more. ks.childcareaware.org
Child Care Aware of Kansas (State Go Team)
A group that works to help solve barriers that communities face when building child care capacity. Members of this team include representatives from KDHE, KSDE, The Children’s Cabinet, Office of the State Fire Marshal, and more! goteam@ks.childcareaware.org
Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)
Providers looking to become licensed in child care will apply and receive their license through KDHE. KDHE offers online resources for parents and providers. KDHE has a Licensing Specialist that can work with communities to receive orientation, education, and support. You can find a licensing specialist that works in your area on their website. kdhe.ks.gov/280/Child-Care-Licensing
Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF)
DCF enrolls child care providers who are interested in providing child care to children of families who are issued Child Care Assistance benefits. They assist families in paying for child care costs through the Child Care Assistance program. dcf.ks.gov/services/ees/Pages/Child_Care/ChildCareProviders.aspx
Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM)
OSFM works in partnership with KDHE to ensure the safety of child care facilities across the state. When purchasing, constructing, and updating a building, OSFM can provide the inspections and support needed to make sure your child care facility meets fire code. firemarshal.ks.gov/
Children Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
This is a federal program that offers reimbursement for healthy meals and snacks for children and adults. Child care centers and licensed or group day care homes are eligible to participate along with several other facilities. To find out additional information use the website below. CACFP – Home Page (ksde.org)
Kansas Action for Children (KAC)
Provides accurate information to help improve policies to benefit children and families in Kansas. The KAC website has a webpage providing information about the Employer Child Care Tax Credit, which helps businesses assist their employees with child care costs, or provide child care themselves. kac.org
All in for Kansas Kids
Seeks input from early childhood stakeholders through their Needs Assessment. With the results from this assessment, they develop their Strategic Plan to help address child care needs. This organization also offers grants, and grant support to help build child care capacity. kschildrenscabinet.org/all-in
NetWork Kansas Capital Loan Programs
NetWork Kansas matching loan programs are designed to support private capital by providing matching funds to assist startups. A variety of loan programs are offered based on geography, matching loan amounts, and project needs. networkkansas.com/connections/
Kansas Association for the Education of Young Children (KSAEYC)
An organization that offers professional development opportunities and resources to child care providers. ksaeyc.net/
Child Care Provider Coalition (CCPC)
An organization that functions as a support group for child care providers across Kansas. They work to help address common issues faced by child care providers and keep them up to date on issues including legislation, professional development, and quality improvements. ccpcofks.com
Kansas Child Care Training Opportunity (KCCTO)
KCCTO offers professional development opportunities. When building child care capacity, these training opportunities can help new providers with the education and support needed to offer high quality care. Thier KCCTO-KITS ITSN Project has a team of specialists that provide education, support, consultation, and technical assistance to child care providers working with infants and toddlers. kccto.org
Community Tool Box: Collective Impact
The Community Tool Box is a free, online resource for those working to build healthier communities and bring about social change. It offers thousands of pages of tips and tools for taking action in communities. ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents
Small Business Development Center
This is a great resource for those looking to open a new daycare or child care center. They provide support on the business perspective of increasing child care capacity in your community. www.kansassbdc.net/
Community Service Tax Credit Program
The Community Service Tax Credit Program (CSP) allows private, non-profit organizations and public health care entities to improve their ability to undertake significant capital campaigns for projects involving children and family services, non-governmental crime prevention, youth apprenticeship or youth technical training, and health care. www.kansascommerce.gov/program/community-programs/csp
Community Development Block Grant
All cities and counties in the state of Kansas may be eligible to apply for CDBG funds except for Johnson County, all towns within Johnson County, Kansas City, Manhattan, Lawrence, Topeka, Wichita and Leavenworth. The Department of Commerce distributes federal CDBG funds to Kansas cities and counties looking to improve their community. kansascommerce.gov/cdbg/
ACF Cost of Care Calculator
Helps you estimate the annual costs and revenue of operating a center or home-based child care program at different quality levels. childcareta.acf.hhs.gov/pcqc
Tom Copeland
Provides articles all about managing your child care business. tomcopelandblog.com
Collective Impact Forum
Collective impact provides resources and steps to help your community work collaboratively when building child care capacity. collectiveimpactforum.org
Planning a New Non-Profit-University of Missouri-Kansas City
This is a pre-recorded webinar that explains the steps needed to take to create a new non-profit. If your child care facility is looking to apply to be a 501(c)3 non-profit, this is a great resource for you. umkc.box.com/s/2ims3t58qnlp96j1m0w0o4tkvbfqw6wb
If your community seeks support to help build child care capacity, please email our Community Support Team to get connected with a Community Outreach and Engagement Coordinator.
Is your community grappling with questions about zoning challenges? Explore these valuable resources for expert assistance and guidance.
Child Care Assistance Tax Credit
Rural Child Care Policy Framework
How Businesses Can Use the Child Care Tax Credit
Community Solutions for the Child Care Crisis in 2024
Joining Forces to Tackle Local Child Care Obstacles
A Guide to Addressing Local Child Care Needs
Cost-Saving Reasons to Invest in Child Care Access for your Employees
Forming a coalition is a necessary step in gaining insight and finding solutions to child care needs.
Find a coalition near you.
Creating a plan to increase child care capacity in your community involves a thoughtful and strategic approach. This step-by-step guide was created to help your coalition develop an effective plan.
An engaged community group created a tax credit toolkit for Kansas employers.
As we move into a new year, communities all over Kansas are working to implement local solutions to the child care crisis.
Throughout Kansas, numerous communities are seeking increased child care options. Often, these enhancements require collaborative community efforts to tackle local obstacles that hinder the availability of child care slots.
Your donation to Child Care Aware of Kansas is an investment in our state's future. Join our efforts towards ensuring accessible, affordable, high-quality child care for every child.