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For Providers

When Providers Need Medical Help

April 18, 2024 | By Shane Preston

As childcare providers, we are great at making sure that the children we are tasked with taking care of are warm, dry, fed and are safe. Do you have a plan as the provider if you have a medical emergency?

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For Providers

Four Things to Know About the Recent Measles Outbreak

April 18, 2024 | By Kim Siroky

With measles cases on the rise, you may be wondering what you can do to keep the children in your care safe and your program doors open. Although measles was once quite common, it can now be prevented with the use of vaccines. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), most

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For Families

Cultivating Mindfulness in Early Childhood Programs and Family Environments

March 14, 2024 | By LeAnn Woods

Implementing mindfulness in early childhood programs and family environments can have profound effects on children’s emotional wellbeing, cognitive development, and overall resilience.

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For Providers

Emergency Planning for Children with Special Health Care Needs: 5 Tips for Providers

March 7, 2024 | By Jessica Gable

Nearly 1 out of every 5 children in the United States has a special health care

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For Providers

Four Ways to Incorporate Heart Health in Child Care

February 1, 2024 | By Kim Siroky

Supporting a heart-healthy lifestyle early in life will help lower a child's cardiovascular risk for disease as they age and reinforce continued healthy behaviors later in

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For Providers

Goals to Set for Your Child Care Business at the Start of the New Year

January 8, 2024 | By Jessica Gable
Child Care Management Software

This time of year, many of us reflect on the previous year and set resolutions or goals for the upcoming year! Regardless of your feelings about New Year's resolutions, it's a great idea to set professional goals for yourself and your child care business in 2024!

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For Families

5 Winter Recipe Ideas for Kids

December 1, 2023 | By Jessica Gable
5 Winter Recipe Ideas for Kids

With all the great reasons to incorporate seasonal foods into your program's menu, it's easy to see that seasonal recipes are good for your children's mind and appetite!

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For Providers

Why Equity is Key to Quality in Early Childhood Education

November 20, 2023 | By Bridget Banks

Many people, including educators, are becoming more aware of the impact of implicit bias in early childhood. These biases limit children’s opportunities to reach their full potential, and their learning is negatively impacted. Without addressing these biases, high-quality early

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For Families

Food Allergies in Childcare – Holiday Party Alternatives

November 8, 2023 | By Jessica Gable

There’s a lot of great things to celebrate during this time of year! When planning your holiday parties, do you think about the kids with food allergies in your

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For Providers

5 Tips to Preventing Cavities in Childcare

October 5, 2023 | By Jessica Gable

Have you ever had a cavity? According to the CDC, more than 1 in 5 children aged 2 to 5 years has at least one cavity in their baby teeth. That’s a

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For Providers

Keeping Food Fun, Healthy, and Safe for Child Care Programs

August 24, 2023 | By Erica Goldsby
Child Care Food Healthy

The dining table in your child care program is an opportunity for so many positive interactions from practicing social cues through conversation, to trying new foods, to children learning responsibility with a job like setting the

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For Providers

Is Your Child Care Program Breastfeeding Friendly?

August 3, 2023 | By Jessica Gable
Child Care Program Breastfeeding

The Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition maintains a list of child care providers across our state who have been designated as breastfeeding friendly.

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For Families

Buckling Up for Two: Seat Belts and Pregnancy

July 31, 2023 | By Cherie Sage
Buckling Up for Two What to know about seat belts when you’re expecting

Buckling up throughout your pregnancy is the single most effective step you can take to protect yourself and your unborn child during a

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For Families

Tips for Cooking with Children +  3 Kid-Friendly Recipes

July 27, 2023 | By Child Care Aware of Kansas
Tips for Cooking with Children + 3 Kid-Friendly Recipes

Cooking with children can be both fun and exhausting! Despite the time and patience required, making snacks or meals with your kids pays off for everyone

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For Families

Beat Summer Boredom with Physical Activity

July 10, 2023 | By Natalie Updyke
Beat Summer Boredom

Making physical activity fun ensures that your kids will enjoy the benefits of being active throughout their

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For Providers

6 Easy Steps for Gardening in Early Childhood Education

June 16, 2023 | By Jessica Gable

Add a little bit of homegrown flavor to your child care program’s kitchen

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For Providers

Allergy and Asthma Awareness 

May 2, 2023 | By Erica Goldsby
Allergy and Asthma Awareness 

It is important you know the health history and conditions of the children in your child care program so you can help keep them safe and appropriately meet their

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For Providers

How to Combat Stress in Your Program

April 13, 2023 | By Jessica Gable

It can be challenging to know what you can do to best support yourself, your staff, and your children during hard

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For Providers

The Importance of Sleep for Health

March 8, 2023 | By Child Care Aware of Kansas
Importance of Sleep, young child sleeping

The Importance of Sleep March 17, 2023 is not just a day to wear green!  It’s also a nationally recognized day to acknowledge the many health benefits of sleep. How Does Sleep Impact Children? Sleep is a critical component of health for children.  The amount of sleep a child

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For Providers

Preparing for Severe Weather and Tornado Season

March 2, 2023 | By Rachel Fisher
Preparing for Severe Weather Dramatic thunderstorm cumulonimbus cloud with lightning over a field in Kansas. Weather and climate concept.

There are some simple steps you can take to prepare yourself, your family, and the children you care

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For Providers

The Benefits of Toothbrushing in Early Childhood Education 

February 7, 2023 | By Erica Goldsby
Benefits of Toothbrushing

Kids with cavities miss school and have missed opportunities. Pain and infection from untreated cavities can lead to problems with eating, speaking, and

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For Families

National Healthy Weight Week

January 3, 2023 | By Mary Daniels
National Healthy Weight Week

Maintaining a healthy weight has positive effects on all of our body systems and sets an excellent example for those around

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For Providers

How to Support Children with Birth Defects

January 3, 2023 | By Erica Goldsby
birth defect awareness month. Doctor holding a blue and pink ribbon.

Child care providers have a unique opportunity to play a critical role in preventing and early identification of birth defects.

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For Providers

Fight Illness Spread During This Flu Season 

December 1, 2022 | By Erica Goldsby
illness prevention in childcare. Sick child being cared for by caregiver.

Disease mitigation strategies are some of the most important things providers can do to help keep illness at

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For Providers

RSV Prevention in Your Program

November 8, 2022 | By Erica Goldsby
RSV Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

It can be hard to know exactly when to exclude a child for illness, especially when it comes to runny noses and

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For Providers

National Epilepsy Awareness Month

October 26, 2022 | By Erica Goldsby
Epilepsy Awareness Childs Hands Holding Purple Hearts

Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder in the

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For Providers

Keeping a Smoke-Free Environment

October 26, 2022 | By Erica Goldsby
No Smoking Sign on Playground

You can create a policy for your program that protects children from smoke exposure and ensures that staff do not model tobacco use in front of the children.

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For Providers

Keeping Sleep Safe  

October 3, 2022 | By Erica Goldsby
Keeping Sleep Safe

Sleeping can be a high-risk activity, especially for children under the age of one year – even more so if careful attention is not paid to the sleeping environment.

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For Providers

Become a CACFP Provider

September 2, 2022 | By Jill Ladd
Become a CACFP Provider

Did you know that children in child care receive an average 40% of their daily calories while in the child care

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For Families

Summer Bike Safety

August 31, 2022 | By Cherie Sage
Bike Safety

What could be better than riding a bicycle on a beautiful, sunny day? Besides being a whole lot of fun, biking is great exercise and reduces stress. Plus, you can do it together as a

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For Providers

Strengthen Your Food Program

August 31, 2022 | By Erica Goldsby
Food Program

Mealtime creates plenty of wonderful opportunities to provide children with education and social-emotional development.

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